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12 July 2024 last updated
Annuity Rates News
Annuity rates can change quickly with rises and falls in gilt yields. Economic developments from around the world drives gilt yields so keep up to date with the latest UK annuity rates news for the latest stories that will impact on your pension fund and income at retirement.
Gilt yields reduce as UK inflation falls  
Gilt yields reduce as UK inflation falls to Bank of England 2pc target
Gilt yields are reducing due to UK inflation falling to the Bank of England target of 2% combined with lower US inflation the central banks could cut interest rates.
Annuity rates edge up  
Annuity rates edge up with high gilt yields as UK inflation misses target
Annuity rates edged up by +1.1% with 15-year gilt yields increasing to a record high of 4.71% this year after the amount inflation reduce missed the forecast.
Record annuity rates and equity markets  
Retirement income up 121pc with record high annuity rates and equity markets
Retirement income is up 121% since the low reach in 2020 with high annuity rates and rising equity markets expecting current interest rates to fall this year.
Other annuity news
Annuities and gilt yields rise as Fed talk of rate hikes with higher US inflation
Enhanced annuities rise +1.86% after gilt yields improved 42 basis points to 4.70% with higher US inflation and the Fed talking of rate hikes.
Gilt yields at record high after strong US data and dashed rate cut hopes
Gilt yields hit record high for this year of 4.67% after strong US economic data means dashed hopes for interest rate cut.
Annuity rates could recover 3pc as strong US economy send yields higher
Annuity rates could recover +3% after strong US jobs date sends gilt yields higher to 4.42% and confirms interest rates will be higher for longer.
Pension annuities fall 3pc with lower yields and talk of interest rate cuts
Pension annuities fall by -3.38% as analysts focus on interest rate cuts after the Swiss central bank reduce their rates by 0.25% to 1.5%.
Latest monthly review
atest Annuity Rates Annuity rates and gilt yields - Latest
How annuity rates changed for the month and the likely future direction with reference to gilt yields changing with economic and political factors influencing prices.
Annuity rates and gilt yields charts
Annuity Rates Chart Annuity Rates Chart
Read the latest annuity rates review to find out if this is the best time to buy an annuity.
  15-Year Gilt Yields 15-Year Gilt Yields
The 15-year gilt yields have a significant effect on annuity rates which
we update daily.
Annuities news archives
Use the table below to access annuity rates, pension news and articles or the reviews for each month at annuities news archives.
2024 First Half Year Second Half Year
2023 First Half Year Second Half Year
2022 First Half Year Second Half Year
2021 First Half Year Second Half Year
2020 First Half Year Second Half Year
Annuity Rates
  55 £6,132  
  60 £6,532  
  65 £7,247  
  70 £8,170  
  55 £5,784  
  60 £6,234  
  65 £6,808  
  70 £7,616  
£100,000 purchase, level and standard rates
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